Medical Emergency Response Plans

Understand the availability and quality of local healthcare in your countries of operations with medical emergency response plans.

Prepare for the unexpected, wherever it happens

Business travel can take your teams to remote, unfamiliar, or even dangerous places. In some areas, local healthcare may not meet the standards we're accustomed to, posing potential risks. As a responsible employer, having well-established and robust risk management plans is essential to cater to any unforeseen circumstances.

Medical emergency response plans (MERPS)

We offer tailored medical emergency response plans (MERPS) to help you identify and mitigate the risks presented in any location.

The reports offer invaluable insights into the availability, logistics, feasibility, and challenges of medical provisions, and cover crucial aspects such as repatriation and evacuation logistics. They also provide essential measures to address any potential shortfalls, where applicable.

Leveraging local insights

With our medical emergency response plans, you can gain a clear understanding of what to expect regarding local healthcare, medical assistance, and the handling of both medical and dental emergencies.

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Medical infrastructure

An overview of the medical infrastructure in the country, along with recommendations to mitigate potential risks.
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Healthcare providers

A curated list of the top providers, complete with services offered, strengths, weaknesses, and local contact information.
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Emergency services

Information on the local emergency services, including reliability, speed of response, operational limitations, and more.
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Evacuation options

Detailed analysis of the feasibility, logistics, and timeframes involved in evacuations, whether by land, air, or water.
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Risk management data

Other valuable risk management data and advice to save time, mitigate risk, and potentially save lives.
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Notification procedures

A tailored and best practice medical notification procedure when interfacing with Healix for quick and efficient support during incidents.

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