Healix Sentinel Risk Management Platform

Revolutionise your risk management with Healix Sentinel, a platform designed to help protect assets, drive compliance and attain operational resilience.

In a decentralised multinational system, simply knowing where your people are during an incident can be a real challenge. 

Our Healix Sentinel Risk Management platform has been designed to help you manage the risks and threats that really matter to you and your operations, and ensure the safety of your employees no matter where they are in the world.

Healix Sentinel is configurable, composed of modules which allow you to tailor its core functionality to align with your own policies and procedures. From pre to post-incident, Healix Sentinel can help support all steps of the risk management process. Plus, our team is always available to provide additional support via our digital front door when you need it.


Healix Tracker

With the persistent risk of high-impact security or health incidents, the pressure on people risk managers has never been higher. Our tracking feature uses a variety of data feeds, including passive and active tracking, to enable Risk Managers to:

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Display all people, assets, operations and itinerary data in one dynamic map view.

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Receive risk exposure notifications in relation to breaking incidents

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Push security alerts based on your own incident level thresholds

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Locate and communicate with potentially impacted employees in the event of an incident

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Increase situational awareness with enhanced risk management controls

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Help enforce policy rules and processes with configurable location-based messaging

Critical Watch

A crisis affecting your mobile workforce could happen at any time, anywhere. Healix offers 24/7 support to ensure the safety of your people in the immediate aftermath of a critical incident. Our fully managed monitoring and assistance solution extends your security team’s capabilities without the need for additional staffing.

Our Global Security Operations Centre immediately identifies employee exposure within a high-level incident impact radius, and Critical Watch proactively reaches out on your behalf via two-way communication channels. We keep you informed every step of the way and agree on the most appropriate course of action if assistance is required.

Travel Oracle

With the Travel Oracle app, your people can have peace of mind knowing they have a powerful travel safety companion at their fingertips. 

As well as providing current travel safety information, our app enables travellers to share live location data via GPS, or manually ‘check-in’ at pre-agreed milestones with a direct feed into our tracking module.

Risk Intelligence Portal

This provides access to comprehensive intelligence on global security, political, operational and medical risks, collected from both open and closed sources of information and corroborated by our own experts.

Risk managers can view all ongoing incidents, risk levels and trends, as well as detailed intelligence summaries and reports on every country worldwide covering risk factors, evacuation levels and practical operational information.

Subscribers can also access support, including advisory services, facilitation of turnkey evacuation, and referrals for other security services via a 247 hotline to our Global Security Operations Centre.

Communications and Reporting

With our platform's powerful inbuilt capability, you can communicate easily with your people wherever they are to cut response times in a crisis. You can deliver multi-channel targeted alerts in real-time, with incident level thresholds configurable to your own requirements.

Managers can also make use of a suite of established reports, allowing you to check on travel bookings and analyse your travel risk activity. These reports can be sent to pre-agreed recipients in a variety of formats and at a time of your choosing.

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