Fertility Support and Treatment

According to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) more than 1 in 7 couples will experience difficulty in conceiving and/or carrying a pregnancy to term in the UK.

Fertility investigations and treatment can have a major impact on an individual’s life, with as many as 90% of those affected reporting feelings of depression. This impact on an employee’s mental health can have a detrimental effect on both their work satisfaction and their productivity in the workplace.

Fertility concerns

Fertility concerns can affect a wide range of people; men, women, mixed and same sex couples as well as individuals seeking treatment alone. Whilst many employers now have mental health policies in place, few have any focussed specifically on the challenges faced by employees experiencing fertility struggles. We are able to offer bespoke healthcare benefits to assist you in providing support to all your employees when it matters most.

The benefits we can offer include:

  • Full cover for fertility investigations
  • Full support from our experienced claims and nursing team during the claims journey
  • Consultations with a fertility specialist
  • Medical and surgical treatment when recommended by a specialist
  • Assisted Reproductive Treatments (ART)*, where clinically indicated and recommended by a specialist

Some treatment options are not available for covering including:

  • Surrogacy
  • Genetic and Pre-implantation genetic testing
  • Treatment that is deemed experimental by the HEFA
  • The use of donor eggs and sperm
  • Collection of sperm/eggs for the purpose of preserving fertility

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