Trip Approval
Gain maximum control of your corporate travel policy by streamlining the approval process for each business trip.
Our customisable solution Healix Approve automates the process, ensuring that each trip is accepted quickly when it meets your conditions for travel.
By requiring approval before any travel is booked, you can prevent unnecessary spend on otherwise avoidable cancellation fees.
Approval Workflow

Flexible configuration
Our flexible configuration offers custom rules that determine whether a trip is auto-approved or not based on a variety of factors, including destination risk level, budget, internal risk thresholds, and pre-trip administrative requirements. You can also tailor out-of-policy triggers to automatically reroute such requests before they are ticketed, and mandate multi-tier approval, so you can make informed decisions about whether the proposed travel should go ahead.
As the travel landscape is ever-changing, Healix Approve lets you adjust your preferences as and when you feel necessary.

Maximise compliance
The pre-trip request form can be completed by app or web. Not only can Healix Approve evaluate the risk and cost of each trip, but it can also ensure your travellers carry out necessary risk mitigation measures, like obtaining correct visas and vaccinations, completing appropriate training or a travel risk assessment for example.
Individual traveller profiles, as well as a consolidated list of all or specific groups of travellers, can be viewed by your designated admins in both list and global map view, and approval statuses can be easily altered from anywhere. Employees remain informed on the status of their requests via email when their trip approval status is amended. And you retain documented evidence of compliance, with advanced reporting functionality.