Neurodiversity benefits

The estimated number of individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders in the UK is between 3-4%(1)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is the most common, affecting 3-5% of young people with up to 65% continuing to experience symptoms in adulthood. Autism Spectrum Disorder affects around 1% with a greater prevalence in men.

Covering treatment

Historically PMI has not offered cover for assessment or treatment for those seeking help with learning and development disorders, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder. However there is a growing demand for services, particularly in some employment sectors who may actively recruit individuals with outstanding capability in areas of technology but may also have a neurodevelopmental disorder, whether diagnosed or not. If families are included in cover then the familial tendency means that their children may also be affected.

Healix bespoke benefits

At Healix we are able to offer bespoke healthcare benefits to assist you in providing support to all your employees when it matters most.

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